From the Forest, For the Forest since 1995

Raul's Blog

Month: July 2016

How to use your custom pergola kit to create an outdoor retreat in your backyard

These days, people are just as likely to use their outdoor spaces as they are the inside of their homes. In fact, many homeowners extend their living spaces to include not only the interior of the homes but also the exterior. This trend effectively increases the square footage of their useable space. Using a custom How to use your custom pergola kit to create an outdoor retreat in your backyard

6 Patio Furniture ideas to liven up your garden in time for your next backyard barbecue

Design elements don’t change just because you move them outside. Furniture is still the focal point and the style you choose matters. Introducing vibrant colors and textures, like you see with Redwood patio furniture, for example, takes what was once drab and brings it alive. Consider six ways you can use furniture to brighten up 6 Patio Furniture ideas to liven up your garden in time for your next backyard barbecue

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