You can also add feet for no additional charge. This will elevate the walls 3/4" off the ground and the internal bottom of the storage bench will then be 1 3/4" off the ground. Its a good idea to add feet if you'd like to be able to clean or hose off the area underneath the bench.
We offer super-strong casters to add mobility to your box. Casters are rated to handle 320 pounds each and they lock in place! An installed set of 4 Casters is $79. They are available in Advanced Options. (Benches 96" and longer require a set of 6 casters to accommodate the extra weight.) The casters are 4 1/4" tall. But, we also add a 1 3/4" thick extra support base for them. So, the total height of the box is increased by 6". When ordering casters, your box will be built with the "no stands or feet" option like in the photos above. The casters are installed near the 4 corners.

We are often asked if we can partially hide the casters. We can add a 2 1/2" tall trim to cover approximately half the caster height. (Any more than that makes it difficult to lock and unlock the casters). If you choose to add casters and would like to add the trim also, please let us know. There is a small additional charge depending on the box size.