If you'd like a cushion for your chairs, please indicate this in the Advanced Options section. Standard cushions come in forest green however you also have the option to visit Trivantageto choose from the hundreds of outdoor fabrics they have for your cushion.

Forest Green Cushion Color

Massive Garden Bench with Cushion

Ruth Armchairs with Cushions
The most popular fabric choice over the years is the Forest Green.
For this reason, we've made it our default fabric choice for all cushions.
If you'd like a cushion in a color or pattern other than Forest Green, you can choose from thousands of fabrics by visiting our Sunbrella fabric partner Trivantage Upholstery Fabric at:
Just write the name and number of the fabric you'd like us to use to make your cushion in the comment box below the cushion selection.
Most Sunbrella fabrics are under $30/yard and are included in the cushion price.
If you prefer a premium fabric over $30/yard, the cost over $30/yard will be manually added to your order total.
Trivantage fabric is made to sit out in the sun and not fade or fall apart for years.
It's machine washable. Each cushion has a zipper so you can remove the foam and wash the fabric.