Thank you for your interest in our free ebook:
Everything You Wanted to Know About Pergolas & Pavilions.
We created this ebook to show you everything that's possible when you buy a shade structure from Forever Redwood.
It's also a step-by-step guide leading you through planning, configuring, and installing the pergola or pavilion of your dreams.
This ebook is chock full of useful tips and advice, but don't worry, it's a quick, fun, easy read—with lots of pictures!
CLICK HERE to download the PDF file now. (Right-click and "save as".)
Note: You will also receive a download link by email.
Would you like to speak with a pergola specialist right away?
We offer free consultations so you can get your questions answered. Please call us at (866) 332-2403 — M–F, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. PST.