From the Forest, For the Forest since 1995

Raul's Blog

Christian Ballesteros

A Black Birch in Winter

A Black Birch in Winter You might not know this old tree by its bark, Which once was striate, smooth, and glossy-dark, So deep now are the rifts that separate Its roughened surface into flake and plate. Fancy might less remind you of a birch Than of mosaic columns in a church Like Ara Coeli A Black Birch in Winter

Curious Fact

The artist Michael Beitz designed amazing sculptural tables. This are called Tree Picnic, a functional 50-foot-long picnic table that branches like a tree at the Michigan Riley Farm in Buffalo, NY.

FSC Certification

Is Forever Redwood a company FSC certified? We are a pioneer in forest restoration work. I began Forever Redwood in 1995 and spent the first 5 years working in the woods and learning what good hands on forestry really was all about. I decided in 2004 that we would not pursue FSC certification, because FSC FSC Certification

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