Founder Raul Hernandez Interviewed on GardenSMART TV [VIDEO]
GardenSMART is a “hands-in-the-dirt” exploration of all things gardening, for both the novice and experienced gardener. The producers called upon Forever Redwood to provide what GS host, Eric Johnson, calls the “exclamation point” of the garden, outdoor furniture that’s beautiful, durable, and enhances the enjoyment of the plants and flowers. The episode was broadcast on PBS … Founder Raul Hernandez Interviewed on GardenSMART TV [VIDEO]
What Gives Us Hope: The Healing Power Of Mature Forests

Offering a few thoughts on Earth Day, along with an update on our latest restoration forestry crowdfunding effort. Earth Day Reflections According to, in the years preceding the first Earth Day in 1970, “Air pollution was commonly accepted as the smell of prosperity.” Leaded gasoline was widely used. The average person had little understanding of the … What Gives Us Hope: The Healing Power Of Mature Forests
International Day of Forests

Sunday marked the UN-designated International Day of Forests. This year’s theme is “Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being.” The gifts of the Earth’s forests are unending. Standing forests are enormous reservoirs of carbon, making them the original global cooling technology. They also support our emotional and mental well-being, as described in this Time … International Day of Forests
Our real bottom line? Harvest to home values [Video]
When you purchase one of our California Redwood picnic tables, pergolas, pavilions, or gliders, you can rest assured that we’ve been hands-on every step of the way: From the moment we sustainably harvest the wood from our restored forestlands, or that of our restoration forestry partners To the milling and hand-selection of the lumber To … Our real bottom line? Harvest to home values [Video]
Article about trees and global warming
Dear Friends of Forever Redwood, This article details the most recent science on cloud formation and associated global moderating influences that forest have. Much greater than previously thought. Maybe the scientists will prevail on us all to do a lot more to protect and restore the forests of the planet…
An Inconvenient Truth Ten Years Later
In 2006, Al Gore’s influential documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth, became a turning point in the climate change conversation. It’s clear, urgent message of pending severe global ecological degradation sparked a massive debate and action. It has led to substantial commitments worldwide recently that hopefully will slow and reverse the threat. Despite these recent commitments, … An Inconvenient Truth Ten Years Later
A Beginner’s Guide to Restoration Forestry

A term you will hear a lot at Forever Redwood is restoration forestry. For most people, this a completely new, unfamiliar term. Yet this practice is the cornerstone of Forever Redwood’s mission and purpose. More than just keeping the status quo, restoration forestry makes a meaningful effort not merely to maintain, but to heal our … A Beginner’s Guide to Restoration Forestry
To Cool the Planet, Restoration Forestry Must Be Part of the Solution
A Statement on the COP21 U.N. Climate Change Conference in Paris, France by Raul F. Hernandez, Founder & CEO of and Old-Growth Again Restoration Forestry, Inc. As world leaders, scientists, policy makers, and environmental activists gather in Paris to craft a binding agreement to address the climate crisis on a planetary scale, it will … To Cool the Planet, Restoration Forestry Must Be Part of the Solution
Report: Old-Growth Forests Dying Off
A recent article in the news reports on a U.S. Geological Survey finding that old-growth forests in the west are dying off, due to global warming THURSDAY, Jan. 22 (HealthDay News) — Trees in old-growth forests in the Western United States are dying at twice the rate they were a few decades ago, and experts … Report: Old-Growth Forests Dying Off
Forest Management and Fires

Each summer and fall the fire season explodes and the news is filled with stories of burning homes and thousands of brave men and women fighting fires and risking their lives protecting communities. It’s a giant annual event and its getting worse. In July 2008, lightning storms ignited thousands of fires in California that burned … Forest Management and Fires