From the Forest, For the Forest since 1995

Our Furniture

An Easter Story by Marianne Cook

A real life testimony we couldn’t help but share… Sometimes, we at Forever Redwood receive correspondence that’s so satisfying, so flattering, that it’s almost embarrassing to publish. Almost. Marianne Cook loved her Serving Station so much that she qualified it as a “work of art” and sent us the whole story of how the piece An Easter Story by Marianne Cook

3 Popular Redwood Pavilion Plans to Fit Any Property or Business

Let’s start with the basics. If you’ve decided to purchase a hand-crafted, eco-friendly redwood pavilion, you’ve made a great decision, even if you’re not sure which model you want. Redwood pavilions are some of the most iconic structures you can add to your home or business, and something that will last for decades (in many 3 Popular Redwood Pavilion Plans to Fit Any Property or Business

Garden Pavilions: Value that speaks volumes when it comes to versatility and quality

Buying a garden pavilion is a big investment. It’s also one that many homeowners make when they’re looking to add depth to their yard or garden. If you want to add a pavilion to your home, you’re looking for something that’s dynamic, well built, durable, and that will hold its value over time. With a Garden Pavilions: Value that speaks volumes when it comes to versatility and quality

6 Patio Furniture ideas to liven up your garden in time for your next backyard barbecue

Design elements don’t change just because you move them outside. Furniture is still the focal point and the style you choose matters. Introducing vibrant colors and textures, like you see with Redwood patio furniture, for example, takes what was once drab and brings it alive. Consider six ways you can use furniture to brighten up 6 Patio Furniture ideas to liven up your garden in time for your next backyard barbecue

The Pros and Cons of Purchasing a Prefab Pergola Kit vs Building Your Own

Maybe you’ve seen a pergola’s sweeping lines and strong, sturdy frame from a distance and had to know more about it. Perhaps a friend or neighbor has a pergola and you’ve been admiring the way it increases their enjoyment of their outdoor spaces and adds an incredibly impactful visual statement to their property. Now you’ve The Pros and Cons of Purchasing a Prefab Pergola Kit vs Building Your Own

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